This photo is a close-up of the broderie anglaise embroidery on the bodice. It is a creamy colour and not stained yellow as in the photo, I think the reflection is from the yellow wall (which will be a lovely colour called "Double White" tomorrow). This whole christening dress was hand-sewn, all the seams, the feather stitching trims and the lace. Once upon a time, it was a gorgeous garment but unfortunately, 100+ years plus some rough play by children dressing dolls resulted in some stains, little tears in the fragile cotton fabric and some stitching around the neck being undone.
Not to worry, I manage to dress this doll plus there is enough fabric and lace left to make another outfit for a smaller doll or teddy so I think I got my value for the couple of pounds that it cost me. I love working with old fabrics and vintage laces, they look and feel so much nicer than the modern ones.
She looks great Viv, looks like a wedding dolly. I really don't think it minds if the feet don't stick out or not - she looks nice as it is. You could scallop the edges of the hem, which would show the feet. hugs
Hi Viv
I was tagged to reveal 7 things about me and the second part of the meme is to tag a further 7 people so I thought of you – hope you don't mind and of course if you don't feel like responding you don't have to – its just an internet game which if you don't see as fun or if you don't have time it's OK
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